
The privacy of Internet users who visit our website is extremely important to us. Below you will find information about the personal data that is archived during registration. We would like to point out that this data will not be passed on to other persons and will not be accessible for commercial purposes.

Confidentiality of personal data

All personal data is archived after the user’s approval and used exclusively by the portal publisher. The personal data is needed to identify the Internet users who visit the portal. In particular, the following information is used, such as: username and e-mail address. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties. All visitors to the portal have the rights set out in the Personal Data Protection Act.

Collaboration with Google

The portal uses Google Analytics – monitoring of visits to the websites provided by Google Inc. In this process, Google Analytics uses «cookies», which enable the user to track the way in which the website is used by the user. Google Inc. can only communicate this data to third parties if this is legally required.


We use «cookies» to collect information about your individual preferences and interests. Archiving these files: personal browser settings and notes in automatic form field refill.

Questions about data protection

If you have any questions, please contact us. We answer all questions about data protection on our website. You can ask your questions via the «Contact». Use of the Portal signifies acceptance of the conditions described above.